Monday, 3 December 2007

Session 3 Prt 3

Assessment of LE

How we assess LE
  • Relationship

- extent of pple involvement and support for each other

  • Personal Development
-Direction along which personal growth and self enhancement occur
  • System maintenance and system change
-Extent which the environment is orderly
  • Actual vs preferred forms

-measures perceptions of preferred vs actual

  • Class vs personal forms

-elicit indiv pupil's perceptions of the class (class form)

- evaluate pupils' perception of his own role within class (personal form)

  • Adaptation of instrumentation for use in different context
  • Approach

-Use students' perception

  • Instruments

- My Class inventory (MCI)

--> 3 pt likert scale

-->dimensions: Cohesiveness, friction, difficulty, competitiveness

-Science Lab Environment inventory

- E-learning

--> 5 pt likert scale

dimensions: Investigation, open endedness, orgn, competitiveness, mat'l envm, satisfaction

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