Monday, 3 December 2007

Session 3 lecture pt 2

Assessment of Learning Environment

Murray (1938)

  • proposed a need-press model that follows the analogous representation of a person and environment
  • Personal needs
  • refers to motivational personality characteristics

Walberg(1968) and Moo (1968) research basis is formed based on Murray's model

Moo developed LE inventory(LEI) for Harvard Project Physics as well as the first social climate scales called Classroom Environment scales(CES)

He concluded thay LE could be described in 3 general categories:

Moo's Schemer

  1. the relationship dimension
  2. the personal development dimension
  3. system maintenance and change dimension

(refer to pg 159 of Assessing LE in Swedish Sch)

These dimensions are further broken down into 10 different aspects of learning environment.

  1. Creativity
  2. Stimulation
  3. Achievement
  4. Efficacy
  5. Safety
  6. Control
  7. Helpfulness
  8. Participation
  9. Responsibility
  10. Influence

pg 163

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