Monday, 3 December 2007

Session 3 Lecture pt 1


Why assess LE?

What to assess?
a) Physical
  • seating arrangement
  • Noise level
  • space provn for movement and play
  • Resource provn
  • Ventilation

b) Students

  • Work in grp/indiv
  • Student behavior with one another
  • Grp size and composition
  • Student concentration

c) Social

  • Modes of instruction
  • Tr's acceptance/ rejection
  • Types of educational tasks req'd
  • Types of activities

How to use qualitative and quantitaitve methods to asses?
2 approach in conducting assessment

  1. Alpha press approach-- team of experts from outside to study eg Forbes climate survey ( they are detached observers outside environment)to code events, usually in terms of explicit verbal communication
  2. Beta press approach--- Participants of environment to study environment eg teachers/ students (they are attached to the environment)for eg pupil or teacher perceptions obtained through questionaire administration.
  3. Use of ethnographic and naturalistic inquiry data collection method by experts.

Data triangulation is the best approach, ie using both quantitative and qualitative methods.

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